Setting the bar for premium photographic inkjet paper, Arctic Polar Luster is the paper pros demand and enthusiasts deserve. Arctic Polar Luster's surface represents the true modern photographic look and feel. Its extra weight and thickness gives the assurance of a fine photographic print. The profoundly beautiful surface and state-of-the-art coating will make your photography look its best.
...continue reading below75lb. Arctic Polar Luster Details & Information
Setting the bar for premium photographic inkjet paper, Arctic Polar Luster is the paper pros demand and enthusiasts deserve. Arctic Polar Luster's surface represents the true modern photographic look and feel. Its extra weight and thickness gives the assurance of a fine photographic print. The profoundly beautiful surface and state-of-the-art coating will make your photography look its best.
Arctic Luster features a deep luster finish
Compatible with any inkjet printer, Arctic Polar Luster fits an important niche for professional photographers. Increasingly, pros and enthusiasts require a high-end photo feel product that combines quality and consistent usability. Unlike many of the new boutique photo papers flooding the market, this Luster will feed consistently, withstand handling, show minimal fingerprinting, and offer cost savings.
Deep luster (E-surface) offers the perfect balance for pigment ink printers. You get the best of both worlds:
Thanks to the microporous layer on the top of Arctic Polar Luster, large quantities of ink (read deeply saturated hues and blacks) will dry instantly. This means no smudging and minimal fingerprint troubles.
These photos are intended to give a sense of the elegant finish and lustral qualities of this paper. Note that on the scale of luster surfaces, Arctic Polar is among the deepest, similar to a benchmark product, Epson Luster. (Tap or Click to enlarge.)
Red River Paper is made by printing enthusiasts for printing enthusiasts. Whether you are a professional photographer, photographic enthusiast, designer, or business, our experts have firsthand knowledge of all our products. If you have a question, give us a ring or shoot us an email. You'll receive a lightning-fast response from an actual live human with actual real-life expertise.
* Always display inkjet prints under glass, plastic or in a book for maximum print life.
* Rolls come wound with five extra feet at no charge
Technical Specs
All products are compatible with aqueous inks. Not designed for solvent, latex or UV.
* Matte coated and cotton papers over 60lb. may not feed consistently and may require some hand feeding.
* Many 24" and wider printers have a minimum sheet size of 8". Consult your manual before buying smaller sizes.
Recommended printer settings. This link opens a new browser window
Not sure which Red River paper is best for you? Order a sample kit now and discover the perfect paper now. Free shipping on sample kit orders.
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for, just contact us by phone or email!
Teresa Alcorn-King, Apr 15, 2023
I have used many brands and types of photo paper over the years. I stumbled upon Red River and I have to say Best paper and results Ever! You won't be disappointed!
Artic Polar Luster
Bob Klein, Aug 04, 2022
A great cold tone pure white paper with a luster surface. I like to have a consistent look to all my prints, so it's the only paper I use. I love that it comes in so many sizes. I print on everything from 5X7 to 13X19. I also buy 16X20, split it in half and print 8X20 panoramas. I print with a white border and the clean cool white is bright and fresh. My B&W prints look just as good as my color prints.
Allen Schaefer, Jul 20, 2022
Crisp, vivid and alive without a lot of post processing.
Always good paper from Red River!
Amanda Parente, Jun 11, 2022 -
I’ve been ordering from Red River for a couple years and get so many compliments from my customers! I tried this paper for laminated bookmarks and the image comes out beautifully!
Terrific paper
Ken, Apr 15, 2022 -
Love this paper. Went through a box of 20 sheets of 17x22 in a weekend because my prints looked so good! I just couldn’t stop printing.
Great paper
Edward Savaria, Mar 23, 2022 -
Needed a quality luster paper that would print great color and bw photos and not buckle when framed. This paper was perfect.
Attic Polar Luster has become my default when it comes to printing
Hudson Ingram, Mar 06, 2022
Granted I am a Graduate Student who prints with university facilities so I haven’t printed with a big variety of brands. I really found and stuck with this paper after wanting to have brighter highlights and tone to my images. The images definitely have a brighter look to them than standard photo paper. Luster seems to lend itself towards the brighter material as well. I recommend it to anyone looking for a similar effect!
Great Paper
Tom Leininger, Feb 26, 2022 - Http://
This is my go to paper and has been for a long time. Red River is an awesome company and the paper rocks.
75lb. Arctic Polar Luster
Al, Jan 19, 2022
This order was for a replenishment box of APL 8x10 from one that I used up. I purchased a pro-level A3+ photo printer a in January 2021 and RR papers were recommended to me by a friend. After purchasing and testing papers from 3 sample kits, I settled on APL as one of the papers that I liked. I then purchased APL in 4x6, 8x10, and A3+, and RR Polar Matte in 4x6, 8x10, and A3+. I like the colors, detail, and contrast that I get from APL. I will continue to use this paper as my go-to luster paper.
Fulfills my needs
Daniel Doyle, Jan 12, 2022
I have been working on a project, sample below. and when using this paper, its weight and finish produce exactly what I desire.
An incredible array of products and services are available at my now go to place for printing needs.
The speed and response to those needs is incredible.
Red River Papers is my final stop after a long search
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