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Microsoft PictureIt Horizontal Image Card Printing Epson

Step 4 - Epson Custom Paper Size Setup

The Epson driver dialog box now appears. Most recent driver versions look like this in Advanced Mode. If you are in Basic mode, look for a button near the bottom right to get to this screen.

Older drivers will look different. The principles will be the same, though.

Find the drop down menu that has paper sizes. Look near the bottom of the list for a selection called User Defined. Click on it.

This dialog will appear.

Check the image at right for the order you will follow to make a custom paper size:

Using the chart below:
1) Fill in paper width
2) Fill in paper height

NOTE! The units of width and height are in .01 inches! Make sure to keep this in mind when entering the dimensions. See at right »»

Paper Size Height Width
7x10 10" 7"
6.25x9 9" 6.25"
5.5x8.5 8.5" 5.5"

3) Name your size - call it something that is easily recognizable
4) Click the Save button
5) Click OK

You now have a permanently saved custom paper size that will appear in your list of paper sizes.

After saving your custom size and clicking OK, you are back to this menu (or one similar).

Make sure the new paper size is selected in the paper size menu, and click on Portrait orientation.

Give all settings a second check for accuracy and click OK.

You will now go back to the PictureIt screen where you can now click PRINT.

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Last updated: February 03, 2020

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