Thank you so much for your assortments of wonderful print papers, I have been having a field day for some time now printing some exciting prints of my original paintings and photographs that your paper brings to life. I never knew the joy of printing of one's photographs and Fine-Art can be this exciting and fulfilling. Your papers gives me an incredible platform to express my creative work true to my original work for many more customers of mine on E-commerce platforms. Red River Palo Duro Etching 315 and Palo Duro Baryta fiber 300 papers are incredible stand out products, up there with Hahnemühle papers for a fraction of Hahnemühle price. Your papers gives me so much joy to work with, I am glad I stumbled on Red River Papers by a stroke of Luck, you have a user of Red River Paper in me for sure. Thank you. Solomon Onadein.