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Upscale Photos With AI to Make Stunning Image Blow-Ups

Many Red River Paper users complain that increasing the size of their images often produces a print that’s blocky and blurry. New Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based software is changing that. But first, let’s review some of the basics of image more

Make Spectacular Reflection-Free Framed Prints

By Al Warfield– After you’ve gone to the effort of taking the perfect shot, making the perfect print, and choosing the perfect frame, why spoil your image by framing it under glass? more

Back To Basics: Quick ‘n Easy Print Framing!

By Peter E. Randall— Based on nearly sixty years of experience, I believe there are two major elements to photography. First step, making of an image. Second step, to display the more

Documenting Maine’s Penobscot River Wilderness. Part 2

By Zac Durant— The first half of my trip was leisurely paced down the West Branch of the Penobscot and I had time to enjoy and photograph much of the river’s wildlife. Then? more

Texture, Deckle and Float Your Flower Images!

By Christine Pentecost— Living in Montana, where the winters are  long, I decided to give myself a photographic challenge, so I could enjoy my flowers year round. I wanted to photograph fresh bouquets of flowers, but in a way that I could have unique backgrounds, which could easily be changed.  I also wanted a more

Unique Frames Give Images Extra Pop

By Arthur H. Bleich— Frames are fantastic for making your images stand out, but rather than going for traditional plain ones, here are some unusual options (and the stories behind them) to make your pictures shine. We’ve even obtained some special deals just for Red River Paper blog readers should you be interested in more
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Photos Overlooked For 35 Years–Found!

By Peter E. Randall— Sand and surf. Babes in bikinis and babies in diapers. Muscular teenagers and spry golden agers. Boardwalks and arcades. These were among my subjects in the summer of 1983 at Hampton Beach, New Hampshire’s largest tourist destination, where I set out to document tourists relaxing, playing, and romancing. I like more

Kaitlin Walsh– Merging Art With Anatomy

by Arthur H. Bleich– Kaitlin Walsh is a biomedical artist– a rarity in the art world. Her beautifully crafted, abstract anatomy watercolor paintings celebrate the wonders of the human body in ways so imaginative it’s sometimes hard not to fall in love with her deadly cancer cells or even mundane parts of the human body, more

Fine Art Inkjet Printing

By Jim Nickelson– I’m often asked from friends, family, and even other photographers about why I bother printing my work when the whole world seems to be moving digital. For me, the reason is simple: creating a fine art print is my primary purpose in making photographs. As is likely becoming obvious, I am more

Frank Hamrick– Handcrafted Photobooks

By Arthur H. Bleich– When Frank Hamrick was ten he traded his sister an old hat for a plastic 35mm camera she’d gotten from a kid on the school bus who’d gotten it from his father who’d gotten it from an auto dealer as a premium for test driving a car. And so began more

Make Big Images With Small Desktop Printers

By Christine Pentecost– I have a beautiful, scenic image in my collection that begged to be displayed larger than could be output by my desktop printer– which only can use letter-sized paper. Surely, I thought, there must be some way to solve this problem and, as it turns out, there is. Image Splitter is more

Exhibit Your Photos for Prestige and Profit

       By Peter E. Randall– For most photographers, the chance to have a one-person exhibit is an exciting opportunity. Then reality sets in and it’s apparent that having an exhibit is more stressful and difficult than making the photographs in the first place. The most ideal opportunity is to be invited to more
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New Palo Duro Etching Paper Makes “Botanica Spectrum” Bloom

By Shamsy Roomiani– I photograph natural textures and specimens that inspire me using my digital SLR camera and my iPhone camera. These photos are used as reference for my sculptures and drawings, as well as sources for my digital collages. When constructing my digital collages, I work with a collection of photos and then more

Fuse Your Photos to Stone and Tile for Unique Gifts and Stunning Displays

By Christine Pentecost– Finding a unique niche in today’s world of photography is not the easiest thing to do. Fortunately, something as simple as making your own coasters, trivets or hanging wall decorations using inexpensive tile, Mod Podge and Red River photo papers is an easy yet wonderfully creative way to share your photography. I more

Frame Your Images for Maximum Impact!

By Arthur H. Bleich– Throughout history, great works of art have been showcased in frames and your best images deserve no less. It’s amazing how they’ll stand out and gain stature; a framed photograph seems to announce: “Look at me, I’m worthy of viewing!” But how do you choose the right frame? For years I’ more

Nothing Says it Better Than A Photographic Print

By Drew Hendrix– I have a friend whose daughter died when she was a teenager but he still greets her every day with: “Hi kiddo, how’s it going?” And he says she always replies with a smile from within her picture frame on the wall. He told me that when he views her image more

How Well Do You Know Your Aspect Ratio?

By Shelly Katz–  Recently, a puzzling question crossed my desk – yes, it was a Monday. Question: Do you have a chart of what is the most standard actual print sizes to fit on a certain paper size. EX:  17×22 paper size –  renders a 18×12 print Thanks! My Reply:  At first all I could more
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