With the right images, you can alter people’s perception of climate change and inspire them to take action. Here's how to begin to do that, rifght in your own community....read more
By Arthur H. Bleich— Let’s face it. It’s no fun to fly today. Start making lemonade from those lemons and there’s no better way to do it than with your camera. My recipe:...read more
By Albert Chi— Dentist, "How important is the equipment you buy?" He knew I was a professional photographer but was not expecting the answer I gave him, which was: Not that important...read more
By Arthur H. Bleich— Comparing painted backdrop art to photographic backgrounds which are used in productions today, they light better and you can interpret the reality...read more
By Will Keener and Ron Wolfe— There are many great places to photograph in the Black Hills region: Badlands National Park, Custer State Park, and Spearfish Canyon, & more...read more
by Levison Wood— For me, every single picture conjures a memory of an individual, a family or a whole community, and the stories that they shared with me. Moments in time....read more
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by Andrew Slaton— Part 2 of 2. 02/18/22. Looking back and reflecting on the beautiful memories, to see how far we’ve come, and to renew our resolve. We now have a plan....read more
by Andrew Slaton— Part 1 of 2. 01/19/22. Six full years of living as nomads. So many places feel like home these days, it’s hard to decipher what home really means anymore...read more
By Albert Chi— Winter has officially ended, and a plethora of events are going to take place this spring, summer and fall. Great potential for some great images. Some tips:...read more
By Arthur H. Bleich— U. S. Army Sgt. Isaac Wright, stationed at Ft. Bragg, NC. he retired and documented cities from tops of buildings, bridges, and other structures with his camera....read more
By Al Warfield– After you’ve gone to the effort of taking the perfect shot, making the perfect print, and choosing the perfect frame, why spoil your image by framing it under glass?...read more
FLASHBACK – Originally posted 2/18 By Laurie Excell Some of the most beautiful coastline in all America is just a short, ninety-minute drive from Portland, Oregon and stretches...read more
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by Christine Pentecost— Creating quality note cards for sales at retail stores can pay off for you. Just follow my advice and you’ll be on the way. Now let’s go into what customers like...read more
by Christine Pentecost— From a modest beginning of selling my cards at local art shows, it now has grown into supplying thousands of greeting and note cards to retail stores every year....read more
It's been a tumultuous year with so much happening, so we’ve picked some great posts for your reading pleasure in case you missed them the first time around. Let's catch up....read more
By Albert Chi— Despite its quirky title, this new photo book by Chris Gatcum will introduce you to a plethora of projects, stuff you’ve always wanted to do but never quite figured out how....read more
By Ron Wolfe and Will Keener— The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is a place for all seasons, but autumn is especially spectacular in the fall! Tips to photograph your experience...read more
By Arthur H. Bleich— Kodak had come up with a new line of small cameras and wanted to sell lots of them along with its newer, faster, color print film. A perfect storm for a campaign...read more
By Peter E. Randall— Based on nearly sixty years of experience, I believe there are two major elements to photography. First step, making of an image. Second step, to display the work....read more
By Albert Chi— Viewing classic and contemporary photos at auction houses can be a fascinating pastime. Enjoy looking at a range of work from the beginning of photography to the present....read more
by Janet Dwyer— Often people who see my exhibition prints are floored by the larger than life detail, then stunned when told my ‘camera’ is a scanner. Learn Scanography....read more
By Arthur H. Bleich— Images must display accurately on your monitor. The 24” Asus PA248QV allows you to do just that; in fact, it out-performs many monitors costing a lot more...read more
By Andrew R. Slaton— Open country captures my imagination. First I see, and next, the overwhelming desire arises to wander through it. To explore. To know it. It’s about being & being content....read more
By Christine Pentecost— An auto dealership was looking for a huge photo panorama, 55 feet wide by 6 feet high of the Bridger Mountains to hang in their showroom. How I did it....read more
by Arthur H. Bleich— Five years ago, Dr. Kah-Wai-Lin, 38, changed the course of his life dramatically. From bringing his scientific "mind and methods" to his creative process....read more
By Zac Durant— The first half of my trip was leisurely paced down the West Branch of the Penobscot and I had time to enjoy and photograph much of the river’s wildlife. Then?...read more
By Zac Durant— The fierce intensity of the wind had carried my canoe out to the middle of the huge lake, where white caps were threatening to capsize it. Next?...read more
By Peter E. Randall— Documenting life in New Hampshire? It takes forty-six photographers, a three-year shoot, and that results in a full color hardbound book...read more
By Michael Blanchard— I was arrested in February 2010 in Maine for drunk driving while attempting to drive to Boston to talk to my wife and try to repair the damage from our constant fights. I was the COO at a company in Maine and my wife was living in the city. She was my...read more
River Linen 2.0
I loved the original River Linen paper, but the new River Linen 2.0 is unusable. It's more like canvas. The colors are dull and the ink goes on unevenly; the finish is partially matte and partially luster. Don't Buy!!! And hope that they bring back the original linen.